Elder Law and Benefits Planning
(click the titles below to view more information)
Medicaid Benefits Planning
The role of Medicaid planning in today's economic climate is a vital one. Mary will assist family members in navigating the complex federal and state regulations concerning government benefits for long-term care. Because of the strict guidelines regarding the timing...
Care Coordination & Advocacy
Quality of care leads to quality of life. That is why Byrski Estate & Elder Law maintains a list of area service providers including in-home health care agencies, assisted living, rehabilitation centers, skilled nursing facilities, and other community service...
Health Care Surrogate
A document in which you name another person to act as your surrogate to make health care decisions if you are unable to. In Florida, without a written health care directive, if you are married, your spouse is automatically your surrogate. If you are unmarried, your...
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday,
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Contact Info
Phone: 941-833-9262
Fax: 941-833-9264
Contact: info@byrskilaw.com